Artists x Youngsters x Roald Dahl stories = The spectacular 2017 Arts in the Park

The world of Roald Dahl’s playful and inventive children stories sparks our imagination. One can imagine how spectacular and delightful the carnival will be when the characters come to life!

艺术家 x 年青人 x Roald Dahl奇幻童话故事 =热闹缤纷的2017艺趣嘉年华

Roald Dahl 荒诞趣怪的童话故事提供了无穷的想像空间, 若他笔下的故事人物出现在现实生活当中,你会幻想那是一个什么样的嘉年华呢?

藝術家 x 年青人 x Roald Dahl奇幻童話故事 =熱鬧繽紛的2017藝趣嘉年華

Roald Dahl 荒誕趣怪的童話故事提供了無窮的想像空間, 若他筆下的故事人物出現在現實生活當中,你會幻想那是一個什麼樣的嘉年華呢?

2015 International Museum Day


It’s the annual International Museum Day again! Thousands and thousands of government-run and privately-owned museums in over a hundred countries participate in this International Museum Day programme and offer a variety of special programmes, free visits or museum nights for the public to enjoy. Hong Kong International Museum Day is set on May 16, 17.

International Museum Day - Feature

During the annual International Museum Day, many museums will offer free admission to the public. 


International Museum Day - Workshop

During the annual International Museum Day, many museums will offer free admission to the public. Various programmes like workshops, talks, games and exhibition are tailored for people to enjoy. 

International Museum Day - Events

During the annual International Museum Day, many museums will offer free admission to the public. Various programmes like workshops, talks, games and exhibition are tailored for people to enjoy. 


2015 国际博物馆日



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国际博物馆日 - 活动


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